Sunday 11 December 2011

Ummm Noah..Bring ya boat!

Woke up this morning to a flood of pouring rain. Geez maybe those crazies are right feels like Armageddon today. It is summer, right??
Today I was going to blog about Xmas craft but have changed my mind.....
plenty of time for that ; ) 
Given that much of us will be locked inside for today at least, being driven crazy with cabin fever, I hope this will inspire some creativity and a little eco consciousness.
Today shall be my favourite thing...upcycling!

Basically its a fancy word for taking something old and making it something new and I LOVE IT! 

I have been upcycling for quite a while but never knew it. When Lulu was a baby I started off tie dying her singlets bought from the Opshop.  Love to tie dye and obviously Logan is a tie dye babe too. It doesn't cost too much and it breathes new life into not quite so white things that Napisan doesn’t fix.

With Logan I have made taggie blankets with his old bonds suits, clothes and bunny rugs and an octopus teether from face washers.  I am by no means a good sewer. When I say "If I can do it, you can too"...seriously I mean it! I tend to stick with "easy" fabric like felt. Its really cheap too.

I have been working on a texture play mat for Logan for Xmas. Its made with all recycled material I found around the house and in my craft box.  

Bit of a work in progress!

The house is made from a crocheted bib I found in an Opshop

Little surprise in the tree

The flowers are made from Logan's hand prints

He’s also getting from Santa a big box full of wrapping paper and some drink bottle rattles. These are great for chasing around the floor and make lots of noise.

Rice and Tinsel

It’s not just for baby things too. I take Lulu Opshopping and we re-style clothes. We add buttons, lace and cut bits off. Lady Gaga had better watch out haha! Its great mumma/daughter time and I love teaching her that brand names don’t matter.
Given the state of the environment , it can’t hurt either to reduce some waste!
So start digging through your cupboards. Maybe you don’t need a trip to Spotlight? Dont get me wrong, I love Spotlight, but doesn’t it feel wrong when it costs 3 times as much to make it than buy it? 
The earth will thank you , your pockets will thank you and hey its too rainy to go outside today.

x Mumma K x 

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