Thursday 15 December 2011

Madness..utter madness!

Madness...utter madness! This time of year people literally lose their minds. You see them in the shops all wild eyed, driving like maniacs, cutting in line, wildly grabbing discounted items and foot tapping at the checkouts. 
Thank goodness I can say, I AM DONE! Presents are wrapped and under the tree and if I have to go to the shops for anything at all, I'm going after hours.
It's around this time that the Mumma Guilt kicks in (mixed with the Xmas hysteria of course!). I start to look at the presents and wonder, is it enough? It doesn't look like much? Hmmm, maybe I should just get a few more small things to put under the tree..... Then $100 later you have bought way too much and its over priced crap that will be thrown out in the next clean  up anyway. Ugh. No it's ENOUGH! 

This morning Lulu and I made some cute little Xmas reindeer to give out to her classmates. Its her last day of primary school today and I am feeling a little teary. So many new experiences, hormones (oh god!) and more loosening of the ties. I feel just like I did when she was starting Kindergarten. But at least I have six weeks of holidays to enjoy her before the big transition to High School.

Here's our reindeers

They are really simple. Just need :
Candy Canes
Pipe Cleaner
Pom Poms 
Hot glue gun or glue

Twist the pipe cleaner ears on and stick the eyes and nose on with glue. I used the hot glue gun which was really quick and stuck on well.

I also saw these and thought they were a bit awesome...

I'm thinking tiny cupcake moulds with chocolate fudge cake and some butter cream icing for the white bits or even white chocolate ganashe YUM!!!! Quick, cheap and easy, loves it! 

I hope everyone is getting on track for Xmas. Gotta get the house cleaned up before Hurricane Lulu gets home from school and Logan the Grumpy Pants Man wakes up from his morning sleep

or I could just sit and have a coffee in peace

Decisions decisions!!!!

X Mumma K X 

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