Saturday 28 April 2012

Busy as the busiest bee but guess what! I think i'm on top of the birthday celebrations. Woohoooooo!

I have been concentrating on the menu and decorations this week and as always have turned to Pinterest for inspiration.
So my lovely Mumma friend Rhona put me on to this one....
This is the Pinterest picture. How gorgeous does it look?
I had THE best time doing this decoration! I was in stitches looking through the photo's and all the different funny faces. I just zoomed in and cropped the pictures. Then printed in greyscale and cut around his cute little face....

As my party will be in the backyard (AND IT WILL NOT RAIN!!!). I decided to firm them up a bit by pasting onto thick cardboard. I then cut out the party hats from old wrapping paper and hot glued on some pom poms to decorate.


And what do ya think? I'm very impressed with the pics, if I do say so myself!

Next on the list this week was the cake. I'm pretty crafty and stuff but baking just eludes me. I can't cook nice cakes. But as funds are super tight and fancy cakes are well and truly out of the budget....i'm going to have to pray for a miracle.
Here is the two I really liked and i have decided to go with the second option...

So i had a trial run on the cake pops and I have to say they are pretty easy (fiddly but easy). I think i'm going to be able to pull this off (this is where you cross your fingers hahaha)

Here's the link for a simple how to make them. Just remember to pop the balls in the fridge for a while before you attempt to dip into the chocolate. Otherwise you get a big splodge of cake in the melted chocolate which you have to dig back out again hehehe.

Hmmm what else....
oh yeah! I printed out a photo from each month of his life to show how he has grown and changed so quickly. This was really hard coz i have zillions of pictures to choose from and i could have picked 20 for each month. I'm still working out how to display them...Work in Progress

I have also put together tissue paper pom poms to make a Very Hungry Caterpillar with. It's a little hard to explain so you will have to use your imagination and of course I will share the pictures from the day.
Here is the Pinterest Image...
Ok so imagine green pom poms and a red one for a head all in a line at different heights. Argh.. Trust me it will work!!!!!
Kinda like this idea...But better OBVIOUSLY haha

Phew! Time for this Mumma to jump in the bath and make a nice hot cup of tea. I've had a very cranky teething little caterpillar and a sick darling girl this week and Mumma is DRAINED.

Hope your all well and happy : ) 

Sunday 15 April 2012

Hungry Caterpillars

I love birthday parties. Especially theme parties. I am THE theme queen!
Next month is my little man's first birthday and of course its going to be an extravagant backyard affair in our chosen theme...The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
My man is OBSESSED with this book! I swear I read it 60 times a day and really is very apt coz man the kid can eat! Some nights, particularly spag bog night he can put away more than his big 12 year old sis.
So the invites are all set to print and I've been chipping away at the finer details (lists, lists, lists). I thought I would share a few special things.

I briefly entertained the idea of getting him a caterpillar suit to wear but realistically I can't even get a hat on the kid 9 times out of 10 so I scrapped it and decided to get my craft on instead and decorate some clothes.
Now sewing...hmmmm...I wish so much I could sew. But I can't. I'm hopeless. But I don't care coz I love it and I don't care if its wonky or the stitches look crap.
I got some fabric panels from Spotlight and some great advice from the lovely old ducks behind the counter and gave applique a go. Here's what I have so far....

 The number 1 is the back of the hoodie and I am going to put a large Caterpillar on the front. I'm just scared I'm gonna stuff it up so I keep procrastinating hahaha.
I also made my little man a special pillar to lay on at story time. It's a present so shhh dont tell him.

Super cute huh!
Ok so here are my inspirations, from Pinterest of course! Check out my board Now I just have to find the time to pull it all together.
Hmmm wonder if I can????