Friday 6 January 2012

Mumma Revamp

One new years resolution down! Woo Hoo! I decided I have been far too conservative with my style of late. I find myself in Mumma clothes, breastfeeding friendly, baggy and sloppy. Boring hair too. I don't wanna act my age and grow up!!! So tired of walking past a mirror and not recognising the reflection so....
I dyed my hair bright red. Purple is next. I love colour and hey hair grows back so why not?

The wardrobe is next I have had a big clean out. I will only keep clothes that:
1. Fit properly
2. Make me feel like me

Took advantage of Hubbies holiday time and spent a lovely day with my big girl yesterday. We went shopping to spend her gift vouchers. She really is growing up, a year ago I couldn't drag her to the shops. She got a mood ring, green "ray bans" and some funky earrings.

Been playing on Pinterest like crazy every opportunity still. It's so bloody addictive but so awesome. Here's a few crafty bits i have been playing with, inspired by Pinterest of course!

Take a T-shirt, chop it up, add a ribbon and voila!

Here's my effort. Lulu said it looked like she was a homeless person who had been savaged by lions.  Pfft... one day she will appreciate how cool I am hahaha

Button necklace with crocheted chain stitch. I pit some beads in between the buttons and of course it is not in any sequence. Super easy and it looks awesome. This kept me up last night but it was worth it.

Cute bracelet using the same method.
Alright I'm off to mash up some baby food and  tidy up before I'm out for the day...

Enjoy the sunshine : ) 

X Mumma K X

Wednesday 4 January 2012

How Pinteresting!

Ahh I love the start of the year! Unburdened by the stress of Christmas and tummy full of yummy holiday food, I am completely ready to take 2012 by the horns!
I always get this burst of energy and need to cleanse at this time of year. I have been busy cleaning out cupboards, scrubbing and decluttering in a big way, hence the lack of blog mojo! Well that and I have discovered Pinterest....
Oh Pinterest, I love you so!!!! My poor husband has taken to hollering "I'm Pinteresting too y'know!", when I enter the zone. He has likened me to the little girl in Despicable Me, as I shriek "OMG its so AWESOME! OOOOOOOO".
It so simple. You see something cool, be it a picture or a dress or a fun craft product and "pin" it to a virtual pinboard which you share with others. Most inportantly you can also repin (or steal) other peoples ideas too. I could literally spend hours doing this. I have been "pinning" for years unconsciously. First with a scrap book which I would fill with magazine cutouts (still do). Then cut and pasting onto a Word document on the computer. Then bookmarking. But nothing has hit the spot like Pinterest!!!

So in the spirit of upcycling and creating new from old here's a few gems I discovered in the land of Pinterest....

Just add spice racks to the sides of your tallboy for extra storage!

Awesome way to hide scrappy paint. Just add contact paper or wallpaper!

This is my favourite thing by far! Re-purposed beside table into a play kitchen. AMAZING!!

Ok I'm off. Gotta shower and put on some fruit and veges for the Little man, then I'm off to pick up my Lulu from her Grandma's. Pinterest, don't worry it won't take long and I will be back , my love x x x x
PS: If anyone wants an add, just comment after with your name and I will "invite" you : ) 

Love and Light

x Mumma K x