Thursday 27 September 2012

Play like a Boss

What a week! As you can see I decided to plan a few activities for my big girl too and she loved it. I will definitely devote more time and energy into including big kids into the blog.

So here’s a run through of our fun week...

Stacking and sorting
I found the mixing bowl and spoon set from The Reject Shop for $10! It’s awesome because it’s lovely and bright and a great, useful set for the kitchen as well as a toy.
Great for littles so they can learn to stack up high as well as stack inside. Big scientific concepts for little curious minds!

The Birda’s
I think Logan enjoyed this the best of all. He just loves birds and is so amazed when he sees them flying in the sky.
I got the pictures from a cheapo calendar of Australian animals and taped them up in his bookshelf space. He loves to look at the colours and point to them.
Check out the calendars mid year when they are heavily reduced. You can use anything your child is interested in eg cars, planes, trucks and use them for collage, decoration for bedrooms, DIY books.
The birds nests were a little craft activity that I did a while back. They are made from weaving old clothes on an embroidery circle. You can do big ones on a hula hoop, which would make great rugs. Here’s the link, so you can see what I mean...

Scrapbooking for the Big Kids
My Lulu told me she would like to start a scrapbook of her first year in high school. I thought this would make a lovely keepsake for her and always encourage her creativity. We bought a $16 (bargain!) Scrapbook Starter Kit from Kmart and I bought some extras like scissors, glue and extra stickers. Photo’s were $2.80 to print and away she went! The results were fantastic. She wrote little comments about little insider jokes between her and her friends and even made a “I love my family” page. I just love my beautiful girl and I hope she always remains true to herself.

Playdough and Farm animals
I love making playdough. It is so therapeutic especially on the challenging days, to smoosh this stuff through the fingers and Logan feels the same way. Nothing breaks a grumpy day like playdough can. I rolled some balls for him to squash as his little hands can have trouble manipulating a large chunk and added the animals for him to bury, make tracks with and just explore on their own.
To make your own playdough its super, super easy...
1 cup plain flour
½ cup salt
2 Tsp oil
Water and food colouring to mix
Add water a little at a time and knead away until its good. Add more flour if its sticky, add more oil to make it smoother. You can also add food essence to make it smell nice. I like adding vanilla essence.

Pizza dough and Shortbread
We did some cooking this week which is a great family activity. It teaches respect, gratitude, sharing, and of course, the end result is yummy!
We often make homemade calzone (think pizza in a bun) and it is amazing!
Here is my recipe...
2 1/2 to 3 cups flour (can use a combination of white and whole wheat if you prefer)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 package (2 1/4 teaspoons) yeast
3 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
1 cup very warm water

Combine yeast, sugar, 1 cup of the flour, and salt in a large bowl.
Add the warm water and oil and mix.
Stir in remaining flour slowly until dough is soft but not sticky.
 Knead until smooth.
Let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes before making the calzone. I like to put mine in bowl with cling wrap underneath so it does’nt stick and cover with a tea towel. It needs to be in a warmish area for the yeast to rise so I usually put the elements on the stove  next to it on for a bit just to warm up the area.
After it has rested, knead again. Then pop it on an oiled oven tray and spread out. Fill with your usual pizza filling to what ever you like (Hubby like olives, anchovy, jalapeƱo chilli, and spicy salami while I like vegetarian and cheese- We usually make two then have the leftovers for lunch the next day!)
Then “wrap the baby”! Fold the sides in and bake 220 degrees for 15-20mins til golden brown
Mmmmmmmmmmmm so good!
Heres a link for how to make it look a bit fancier...

Owls n Eggs
Egg cartons and cupcake tins make excellent holes to place items in. Use patty cases, pom poms, cotton balls, material scraps, felt, blocks..whatever you have available! Logan brought his tea pot over and used it to stash pom poms in too.
For older children, a exploration box can be added with coloured rice, pebbles or pasta with a scoop to practise pouring too.
Block Sculpture
Blocks don’t always have to be built upwards! Use them to make mosaic patterns on a placemat or piece of material and encourage children to be their own artist! Use different shapes and some nice sensory material to display their work. The best part is that you get to have a play to set it up too. Confession- I think I enjoyed this more that Logan did hahaha!
You can also combine blocks with other materials for fun. Include scarves, tissue boxes, bark or leaves, toy cars, small figurines, blue prints or plans from builders, inspiration pictures such as posters of houses and buildings...the opportunities are endless!


Well I'm off to put my feet up while Bubba is asleep and my Big Girl is having some Grandma time. 
Hope you find some inspiration here and enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

I'll have what she's pinning...

School Holidays have hit and I have been one busy Mumma! 
Lucky me, I was able to have one whole day with my Big Girl Lulu while Little Man was in daycare this week. We went window shopping and looked in all the stores I can't usually get into with a pram and hit a few opshops on the way. 
Today while Lulu was busy scrapbooking and Bubba was in bed, I got some time to Pinterest. 
Ahhhhh I love you Pinterest! Although, I think I would like to make a blog about Pinterest fails (assuming there isn't many already!) , like Cake Wrecks. If you haven't seen it heres the link!!!

So here's what I'm finding pinteresting...

Rainbow Roses
I've seen these beauties in the fancy florists for a small fortune. I think Lulu and I will give this try sometime these holidays. As far as I can gather you slice up the stem and poke them into food colouring and water and voila. Stay tuned for results but here's the link
If you beat me to it, let me know how it turns out.

Banoffee Pie...drool

I did actually give this a crack and it is sooo rich and indulgent! I used top and fill caramel and omitted the cream though. Here's the link

Photo Blocks
Definately need a trip to Bunnings and will be road testing these bad boys. How lovely would these look displayed on the mantle or shelf or even given as a present to a toddler? LOVE it : ) Heres the link

And finally, please check this blog out...  . Really well written and lovely Mummy Blog.

Thanks for stopping by :D

Thursday 20 September 2012

Play pics

Ahh coffee in hand and Bubba in there anything better? Hmmmm Johnny Depp, a bucket of chocolate and waiter to serve me Mojito's while I'm lounging by the beach....hehe must not be greedy.

This week has been super fun thinking up all the "Playspiration ideas". Logan is quite possibly the most spoilt boy on earth and doesn't he know it! I usually do my set ups at night, so when he wakes up in the morning he is always looking around for his next surprise.
So if you have missed the facebook pics, here is a run down:

DIY Feltboard and Hungry Caterpillar Story

DIY your own felt board and if your'e feeling crafty have a go at felt story board pieces (If not check out Ebay there are lots out there!)
To make the feltboard, its so simple! Felt, glue in photo frame minus the glass and voila! You could also stick the felt into a manilla folder and have a travel felt board.
Felt is great fun to work with. It cuts well, no hemming and you can use a sharpie and draw on it too.
Link in to a special book like The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Jolly Barnyard and present it on a recipe holder or easel. Simple but effective.

The Music Mat

All kids should experience banging the heck out of Mum's pots and pans! Use whatever is in your cupboards, pop them on the floor on a rug or tablecloth. Go make yourself a coffee and have the Nurofen ready.
For our selection here are some Milo tins, wooden spoons, pot lids for cymbals, pot and whisk, colander and spoon. In the basket are wooden curtain rings for tapping sticks, cardboard tubes and water bottles filled with bells and rice.

 Cubby House book nook and secret space! 

This play tent was a score from the Salvo's. I got a set of two tents and a tunnel for $10!!! Logan loves it so much and peekaboo can go on forever as he launches himself out haha!
Inside, I put some soft toys and a few books and pillows but as the day when on it was a secret stash place for all sorts of goodies from around the house ps. house keys
To bring in something unexpected, like outdoor toys inside, is a lovely surprise for the little person or people. Such a novelty and kids LOVE a secret spot.

Wooden Curtain Rings and Silver Tea pots

This was the favourite of the week! So many possibilities to explore these bits and pieces. Its still set up and Logan goes back to it everyday. 
The rings are great to stack and place on the paper towel roll holder. The door knobs are stashed everywhere! He loves to put them in the silver teapot and then shake them around. And of course the cars are brrrrrrooooommmmed all over the floor too.

These ideas's can be left in place for an hour, a day or a week or two depending on the interest and of course your space. 
My mind has been racing, can't wait for the next week of fun pictures. Hope this has inspired some creativity, please feel free to post your own Playspirations on the FB page too. We can all inspire each other :D


Saturday 15 September 2012

Would you like to play?

So since study is going to be HECTIC over the next few months, I've decided to change things up a bit. Instead of writing a huge blog I'm going to try to put a few pictures onto the facebook page ( and then tie it into a blog when I get more time.

Invitations to play...what on earth is that?

Something beautiful, interesting, tempting, enticing, aesthetically appealing (childcare mumbo jumbo) for little hands to explore, destroy, rearrange, arrange, experiment with.

I always use what I find around the house with a healthy dose of imagination. Something ordinary may be extraordinary to new eyes.

Please just use your brain though when planning...anything smaller than would fit into an old film canister is a choking hazard, with water- please use hands on supervision, be careful with breakables on tiles. Common sense really :D

So here is my first invitation to play...Jungle Discovery Table!

I used a old bed sheet as a table cloth, palm leaves from the garden, scrap of silky fabric as water, river stones, cane placemat, picture of Logan as a baby and some plastic animal toys.
Admittedly, the animals were a little small, but I was supervising very closely! And the reaction, well see for yourself....

  Hope you find some inspiration here to create something special yourself! 

Goopy Goodness

My my where has the time gone!?! It has certainly been a very long time between posts as life, family and study have well and truly been absorbing all of my free (haha, yeah right!) time. My little sleepy man is not so much about the sleeping either these days so its very hard to grab a moments peace.

Anyways we had such a lovely afternoon today I was compelled to write...

We have been soaking up this glorious sunshine of late, after a very long winter crammed indoors. My little one is a big fan of exploring the backyard and I am also a big fan of lazing on the big orange rug watching him haha!

Today I introduced him to goop. He was so fascinated and we even managed to get the teenager out of her bedroom! Goop is cornflour mixed with water and a little paint (or food colouring, but i find it stains so I use poster paint instead). It forms both a solid and a liquid so when you grab it its hard like clay and then it runs through your fingers like water. Amazing!
I would recommend trying it out on the grass rather than the pavers though. Its hard to get off once it sets.

Big hit with both kiddies today, although Lulu did ask that next time I make the goop red so it looks more like blood. Ahhh thank you Twilight for making my darling girl thirst for blood. Gotta be thankful though, at least its not One Direction or hot pants and we draw the line at sacrificing animals in the backyard (i'm kidding really haha)

The other highlight of my boys day today was having a big magpie drop in for a visit. "Birdy, birdy!" he whispered as he watched him eat worms. Ahhh simplicity gotta love the nature and the look on his face was priceless.

Well I was thinking I might add some photos to the facebook page when I'm too busy to blog to keep the ideas flowing. I have a ton of "invitations to play", so keep your eyes peeled.

Take care and get out there and enjoy this beautiful weather x