Thursday 20 September 2012

Play pics

Ahh coffee in hand and Bubba in there anything better? Hmmmm Johnny Depp, a bucket of chocolate and waiter to serve me Mojito's while I'm lounging by the beach....hehe must not be greedy.

This week has been super fun thinking up all the "Playspiration ideas". Logan is quite possibly the most spoilt boy on earth and doesn't he know it! I usually do my set ups at night, so when he wakes up in the morning he is always looking around for his next surprise.
So if you have missed the facebook pics, here is a run down:

DIY Feltboard and Hungry Caterpillar Story

DIY your own felt board and if your'e feeling crafty have a go at felt story board pieces (If not check out Ebay there are lots out there!)
To make the feltboard, its so simple! Felt, glue in photo frame minus the glass and voila! You could also stick the felt into a manilla folder and have a travel felt board.
Felt is great fun to work with. It cuts well, no hemming and you can use a sharpie and draw on it too.
Link in to a special book like The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Jolly Barnyard and present it on a recipe holder or easel. Simple but effective.

The Music Mat

All kids should experience banging the heck out of Mum's pots and pans! Use whatever is in your cupboards, pop them on the floor on a rug or tablecloth. Go make yourself a coffee and have the Nurofen ready.
For our selection here are some Milo tins, wooden spoons, pot lids for cymbals, pot and whisk, colander and spoon. In the basket are wooden curtain rings for tapping sticks, cardboard tubes and water bottles filled with bells and rice.

 Cubby House book nook and secret space! 

This play tent was a score from the Salvo's. I got a set of two tents and a tunnel for $10!!! Logan loves it so much and peekaboo can go on forever as he launches himself out haha!
Inside, I put some soft toys and a few books and pillows but as the day when on it was a secret stash place for all sorts of goodies from around the house ps. house keys
To bring in something unexpected, like outdoor toys inside, is a lovely surprise for the little person or people. Such a novelty and kids LOVE a secret spot.

Wooden Curtain Rings and Silver Tea pots

This was the favourite of the week! So many possibilities to explore these bits and pieces. Its still set up and Logan goes back to it everyday. 
The rings are great to stack and place on the paper towel roll holder. The door knobs are stashed everywhere! He loves to put them in the silver teapot and then shake them around. And of course the cars are brrrrrrooooommmmed all over the floor too.

These ideas's can be left in place for an hour, a day or a week or two depending on the interest and of course your space. 
My mind has been racing, can't wait for the next week of fun pictures. Hope this has inspired some creativity, please feel free to post your own Playspirations on the FB page too. We can all inspire each other :D


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