Saturday 17 December 2011

O Christmas Tree....

I am a massive bargain hunter (or tight arse whatever you prefer) and love to Opshop. 
Lately, I have quite obsessed with the Online version, which is awesome. I have picked up some absolute bargains...a big TV for $16 and tons for the kiddles. I love giving my money to other families rather than making the big boys rich. But with Christmas looming and times tougher than ever, its as mental online as it is in the stores. Geez people can be vicious when it comes to getting a bargain!
So I thought I would do it the "old fashioned" way and head out to the Salvo's at Toukley, my personal fave. The ladies there are lovely and there is the best craft section. The only beef I have is I can't get up the stairs to the books and kids toys. 
Tough luck kids : ) 
I got a big stack of craft magazines, buttons (ahh I LOVE buttons) and a stack of beautiful crocheted doillies for $4.50!
Think I might try to make some cute tops uing the doilies...

I love Opshopping so much! I love going out and never knowing what gems I will come home with. I love that the money goes to charity. And I love a bargain!

I also paid Spotlight a visit this morning to gather supplies for some school holiday/Xmas craft time with my big girl. There is 50%off Xmas material and most Xmas things at the moment which was great for the poor budget!
I got these...

And made these...

So easy! Lulu actually made the first two. You just cut out and sew together. Fill with stuffing and hand sew up the gap. At half price it worked out $6.50 for a panel which makes 20 small toys or add some ribbon and make it a tree decoration. We also added a bell inside which we put in a kinder surprise container and sticky taped together (so the bell doesn't escape..choking hazard for bubs). Bargain! And Lulu is learning to use the sewing machine!

Well I best run and get dinner on so I can get back to my crafting. So inspired lately must be all this blogging and researching!!

x Mumma K x 

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