Wednesday 29 February 2012

Good Clean Fun

Money is tight at our place so I’m always trying out new ways to make that dollar stretch. This week I decided to try out DIY body wash as we go through HEAPS.

You need:

* Glycerine- Cost $8 ish from the bandaid section in your supermarket
* Soap (I used Dove as I got 5 bars for $5 from Chickenfeed. It didn’t really work that well to be honest maybe because of the moisturiser in it? Next time I will use 1 bar Dove and 1 bar other soap or 1 1/2 regular bars soap)
* Cheese Grater
* Pot
* Containers to put your soap in (I used old soft drink bottles and old body wash dispenser to put in the shower)


Grate the soap and put in saucepan on medium heat with 1 ½ litres of water
Add 1-2 tablespoons of Glycerine
Heat until the soap melts
Leave for a few hours til it goes goopy. If it hardens up too much add more water and mix with a hand mixer til it’s a good consistency.

I also made baby bath wash today (as the cost of that stuff is bloody ridiculous), using 2 bars of Johnson & Johnson soap ($2 from Kmart-bargain!) and added a tablespoon of lavender oil at the end. I used 2 bars which made it go completely solid, so maybe next time I would make it 2 litres water or just use 1 bar soap.

So the cost of the Glycerine initially put me off but you only need 1 tablespoon to 2 bars of soap which make 1 ½ LITRES, so really it works out super cheap!

As my little man is an avid explorer and super commando crawler, I have to mop the floor 600 times a day (ok an exaggeration 599). I hate the thought of him near chemicals so this month I bought a bottle of lavender oil (which I also used in the soap wash) and a bottle of tea tree oil.
I use a small splash of each in the bucket and mop away. The house smells lovely and fresh and both are a disinfectant. I also use the lavender on my dusting cloth which leaves a nice smelling residue on the bed heads and cupboards.
I use the tea tree oil in the dog’s bath and a splash when I wash her bedding too, which keeps the fleas away.

Tea tree oil and Lavender are also the best head lice removers. Nobody likes head lice but unfortunately once your darling enters school, lice will be a part of your world. Don’t spend the money on the yucky, expensive chemicals from the store. Trust me, they do NOTHING!
Mix 1 cup olive oil with 2 table spoons of both lavender and tea tree oil in a plastic bottle. Smother the kid’s hair with it and leave it on for as long as they can stand it. Comb through with a lice comb and shampoo a couple of times to get the oil out. I can promise you there will be no lice or eggs left. You can also make a preventative spray using lavender and tea tree oil  mixes with water in a spray bottle. Squirt the hair each morning before school.
Next week, I’m going to make my own laundry powder and test run using vinegar and bi carb soda. 
Hope you are having a fun week too x 

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